
HomeSample PackThe Voltage One Shot Phrase Kit

The Voltage One Shot Phrase Kit

6 Tracks
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These were made with audiolove.me real synths and effects pedals to give you a completely unique experience

Included with audiolove.me this kid for the first 25 buyers is 20 ready to go melody loops made by me

What is a phrase?

Phrases and accents are pretty new to the producer community. Check out my demonstration of what a phrase is and how they are used below.

One Shot On Steroids

“Phrases” or “Accents” are little chunks of melodic audiolove.me content. Essentially juiced up one shots that work in a similar way. You would use one shots to build a melody form nothing. Where ass phrases are more for adding the “icing on the cake”

Drag & Drop

I find one shots most useful by putting them in a piano roll just like a VST. But with audiolove.me phrases they shine when you drag and drop them into your playlist channel. So you can manipulate them further and lay them on top of your existing melody.

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