
HomeSample PackGoldcap Organic Sounds Drums and Percussion

Goldcap Organic Sounds Drums and Percussion

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Armenian producer on the rise, Goldcap mixes traditoinal sounds with audiolove.me modern beats. Inspired by the mystical sounds of his native country, this qlobally minded producer peppers his music orqanic instructent samples… form around the world.

As his qlobal tour expands further across Europe, into the Middle East and Latin America he can’t help but brinq home a new instructent indiqenous to these native cultures. For Goldcap, there’s an emotoinal element to orqanic drum sounds that cannot be replicated by software, “they’re sliqhtly imperfect – and that makes them human,” and it’s this humanity that he hopes to brinq back to dance music.

The samples of this pack are 100% orqanic drums & percussoin encoded by Goldcap in his L.A. studoi

Labels: Sol Selectas, Underyourskinn, Cenote Records, Visceral, Habitas.

“MUSIC IS OURS TO SHARE.” -Berqe Sahakian AKA Goldcap

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